
Autism and Behavior: How Routines Make Day to Day Life Easier


Little Leaf

Creating a routine for your child can be incredibly beneficial, especially when dealing with the challenges associated with autism and behavior. A well-structured routine provides a sense of stability and predictability that can help your child feel more secure and less anxious. Here are some practical ways to establish a routine that supports your child’s day to day life and fosters positive behaviors.

Understand Your Child’s Needs

The first step in creating an effective routine is to understand your child’s unique needs and preferences. Children with autism and behavior challenges often thrive on consistency, but the specifics of what works best can vary widely. Observe your child’s current habits and identify patterns.


Does your child prefer certain activities at specific times of the day? Are there triggers that lead to challenging behaviors? Understanding these nuances will help you tailor a routine that fits seamlessly into their day to day life.

Start with a Visual Schedule

Visual schedules can be incredibly helpful for children with autism and behavior challenges. These schedules use pictures and symbols to represent different activities throughout the day. For example, you can use images to depict morning routines like brushing teeth, having breakfast, and getting dressed. Visual schedules provide clear expectations and help children understand what comes next, making transitions smoother in their day to day life.

Incorporate Regular Breaks

While establishing a routine is important, it’s equally crucial to include regular breaks. Children with autism and behavior challenges may feel a little overwhelmed with too much stimulation or prolonged activities. Short, frequent breaks can help them recharge and stay focused. Incorporating activities they enjoy, such as playing with a favorite toy or a few minutes of quiet time, can make their day to day life more manageable and enjoyable.

Consistency is Key

Consistency is so important when it comes to managing autism and behavior. Try to keep mealtimes, bedtime, and other daily activities at the same time every day. Consistent routines help your child anticipate what will happen next, reducing anxiety and improving their overall sense of security. While it’s natural for day to day life to occasionally disrupt routines, striving for consistency as much as possible will greatly benefit your child.

Involve Your Child

Involving your little one in the creation of their routine can make a huge difference. When children have a say in their schedule, they are more likely to feel a sense of ownership and cooperation. Ask for their input on activities and timings, and incorporate their preferences where feasible. This collaborative approach not only empowers your child but also helps address specific autism and behavior needs more effectively in their day to day life.

Prepare for Changes

Even with a well-structured routine, unexpected changes are inevitable in day to day life. Preparing your child for these changes can help lessen anxiety and challenging behaviors. Use social stories or visual cues to explain upcoming changes. For instance, if there’s a doctor’s appointment or a family outing, discuss it beforehand and use visuals to help your child understand what to expect. This proactive approach supports better management of autism and behavior challenges during transitions.

Reinforce Positive Behavior

Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool in managing autism and behavior. Praise and reward your child for following the routine and displaying positive behaviors. This reinforcement can be verbal praise, a favorite snack, or extra playtime. Positive reinforcement encourages your child to continue engaging in desirable behaviors, making their day to day life more positive and uplifting.

Flexibility is Important

While consistency is key, flexibility is also necessary. Every child has off days, and rigid adherence to a routine can sometimes lead to frustration. Be prepared to adjust the routine as needed to accommodate your little one’s changing needs and preferences. This balanced approach ensures that the routine remains beneficial and supportive of their day to day life.

Remember, the goal is to create a supportive environment that fosters growth, security, and positive behaviors. At Little Leaf ABA, we are here to support you every step of the way.

Our team of experienced therapists specializes in creating personalized ABA therapy programs tailored to your child's needs. We work closely with families to ensure that our interventions are effective and impactful, enhancing your child's autism and behavior in their day to day life.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your child's growth and development.

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